Friday, January 13, 2012

AeroMarine 300/21 Epoxy Resin 3 Gallon Kit - with metering pumps

:AeroMarine 300/21 Epoxy Resin 3 Gallon Kit - with metering pumps

Product Description

Clear Epoxy Resin. Total yield of 3 Gallons. Consists of two gallons of #300 resin and one gallon of #21 Non Blushing Cycloaliphatic Hardener - (with metering pumps). Dries clear. Our best and most popular clear epoxy resin. It is ideal for most functions: Boat and aircraft building, poured countertops and general fiberglass and carbon fiber laminating. Great for building a 'Stitch and Glue' boat, Cedar strip kayak or canoe as well as for cold molded wood boat or fiberglass boats. This multifunctional epoxy is also used for pebble paving, pebble resurfacing, pebble repair, and pebble or stone decking. And automotive enthusiasts use it for laminating carbon fiber parts including hoods, dashes, etc. The 1.5, 3 and 6 gallon kits are available with handy metering pumps. It is also an excellent choice for poured epoxy countertops, bar tops and table tops; and even making Jewelry. The mix ratio is a simple 2:1 by either weight or volume. AeroMarine 300/21 is a thin, clear liquid. It has a working life of about 30 minutes, and sets hard in a few hours. Work life: 30 minutes@70F. Cure time: 24 hours@70F. NOTE: THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AMAZON FREE SHIPPING.

  • AeroMarine 300/21 Epoxy Resin Kit
  • Our best and most popular clear epoxy
  • Low viscosity epoxy 600cps
  • Non Blushing Epoxy with Cycloaliphatic Hardener. No amine blush so no cleaning required between coats
  • Excellent gloss and clarity, and excellent chemical resistance